
5 Tips That Will Reduce the Cost to Replace Plumbing During a Remodel

Good plumbers don’t come cheap.

For example, the average cost of hiring plumber to fix a clogged drain can range between $75 and $250 (in Southern California). Those figures climb even higher for complex jobs.

Clearly, the cost to replace plumbing is far from negligible.

That’s bad news for anyone in the process of remodeling a house.

After all, it’s the perfect opportunity to update an old and floundering plumbing system. But with large sums of money already being spent, the idea of plying more cash into the project can be far from pleasant.

You’ll be pleased to know that there are ways to do it without breaking the bank. Want to learn more?

Read on to discover a selection of top tips for reducing plumbing costs.

1. Take the DIY Approach

The easiest way to save money on anything is to do it yourself.

Is money for your remodel tight already?

Consider investing time and effort into your plumbing instead. However, only attempt it if you have the requisite skills, tools, and knowledge. If plumbing was easy, then plumbers wouldn’t require so much training; nor could they charge such heavy sums for their services.

Making a mistake is a recipe for disaster. Your plan to save money can backfire if you do something that requires professional input to fix.

An alternative approach is to do as much as you can first. Then, when you’ve reached the limits of your capabilities, call in the professionals.

That way you aren’t paying money for no reason.

2. Avoid Emergency Plumbers

Plumbing emergencies are a nightmare for homeowners.

They often happen without warning. Even worse, plumbing problems can be smelly, counterproductive, and demand serious repairs.

Which is why emergency plumbers are so important.

They’re there to respond as soon as possible to any issues you’re having. They can be at your house to fix the problem in record time. And they charge vast amounts more for the service!

A basic step to cutting plumbing costs on your remodel is to plan the help ahead of time. Don’t wait until the last moment and realize you need the work done. It’s a recipe for higher prices.

Call a plumbing contractor instead and schedule their input well in advance. You’ll pay far less in the process.

3. Facilitate Smooth-Running Plumbing Repair

Most plumbers charge an hourly rate.

As such, the longer they take to finish the work, the more it’ll cost you. Save money by doing what you can to make their job easier.

Providing a comfortable working environment and sufficient lighting. Making cups of tea for them and let them use your bathroom. Ensure the space is off-limits to pets and kids.

Allow them to get on with the job too, instead of talking to you.

It’s tempting to check in all the time to see how things are going. You’ll only serve to slow them down, though. Don’t worry: reputable plumbers won’t abuse your time. Rest-assured that they’re doing the work as fast as possible and to the highest standard.

4. Stick to the Plumbing

This point relates to making the plumber’s life easier.

They’re there to fix and/or replace your current system. You’ll pay the bare minimum if that’s all they have to do.

Alas, plumbers are often forced to do preliminary work first. This isn’t them taking you for a ride financially. It’s a simple matter of practicality.

Imagine leaving the bathroom full of debris and equipment. They have to move it all out of the way first just to get to the plumbing system.

Once they have sufficient space, they realize the wall covering said plumbing is still intact. The plumber must remove the drywall before they can get started.

Those are both jobs you could do in advance, saving hours of billable time. Do what you can to enable your plumber to stick to the plumbing.

5. Keep the Current Layout

Desperate to save money on plumbing?

Don’t rearrange your bathroom or kitchen. Keep the blueprint as it is already.

It can be tempting to move the toilet, bath, shower or basin, and so on. After all, you’re remodeling! New appliances aren’t enough. You’d love to overhaul the entire space and start afresh.

Alas, doing so requires significant structural alterations. Floors and walls need tearing up and down, respectively. Pipes and vents need moving; new plumbing materials will be required.

As you might expect, that all comes at greater expense.

Simple plumbing jobs are cheaper plumbing jobs. The more you ask a plumber to do, the more you’ll have to pay them.

Thus, in the interest of financial savings, keep your layouts as they are.

6. Look to Save Money Elsewhere

This tip is less about cutting the cost of your plumbing.

In actual fact, it’s more about encouraging you to spend openly on it!

Remember the importance of a functioning plumbing system. As you’re well aware, plumbing issues can be catastrophic and repairs don’t come cheap.

Paying a professional to replace it means you can avoid future repairs. See it as an investment. Pay upfront to prevent further expenses down the line.

If money is tight for your remodel, why not look to save cash elsewhere instead?

It’s easier to take a DIY approach to simpler tasks (here are some DIY ideas for a bathroom remodel, for example). In the same way, materials, appliances, and household items can be purchased second hand at bargain prices.

Taking these kinds of steps can help you average out your plumbing costs.

Final Thoughts on Reducing the Cost to Replace Plumbing

Remodeling any part of your property is a significant financial investment.

For that reason, you might feel reluctant to spend even more on plumbing replacements.

However, with systems already exposed as part of the remodel, and significant disruption and dirt in the house anyway, now’s as good a time as any to do the work.

As we’ve seen, though, plumbing costs don’t have to be exorbitant. With the right approach, you can cut down the cost to replace plumbing systems without too much trouble.

Are you looking for professional plumbing support in and around Salt Lake City? We can help. Contact us today to find out more.

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