
Everything You Need to Know About Bathroom Repair

Homeowners in the United States spent, on average, $6,649 in the year 2018 on home improvement projects and repairs. 

Most of these additional costs you incur as a homeowner are rarely planned for in your routine budgets. However, undertaking repairs in some of the essential parts of the home, such as the bathrooms, is something you can’t overlook.

Nothing can be more frustrating than experiencing problems in your bathtub. Bathrooms play a vital role in a home, but experiencing intermittent instances of breakdowns is a common occurrence in many homes. 

Sourcing for bathtub repair during such instances is imperative. It would be best if you took urgent action before molds make your bathroom their home. 

Here is everything you need to know about bathtub repairs. 

How to Detect Bathtub Problems 

Most of the problems with bathtubs begin with minor leaks that you may be tempted to ignore. With time, that small leak inside your bathroom may deteriorate and present a risk to your property. As such, you may need to be proactive enough to ensure that you detect early tale-tell signs and arrest any concern from the onset.  

These steps may ensure that you remain on top of the situation.

Inspect the Bathroom for Water Leaks

Leaks are the surest indicator that something may be wrong with the bathtub. Inspecting for risks every so often can help you deal with bathtub problems before they become major repairs. You should check the areas around the tub for any unexplained signs of water leaks. 

Once you have done a preliminary inspection of the bathroom, your next focus should be on the more complex plumbing system. One of the common causes of bathtub problems is clogged bathtub drains. It’s advisable to pay attention to the tub drainage system. Clogs in the bathtub drain may lead to tub overflow if not well-addressed.

It would help if you also considered assessing the shower door and the bathroom toilets. These inspections ensure that you understand the actual cause of any leaks with the bathroom. A common question asked when dealing with bathtub problems is, “should I hire a plumber to inspect my bathtub?”

Call in a Plumber 

While there are apparent signs that show the source of the bathtub issues, at times, it’s not safe to speculate. 

A plumber can assist you in inspecting the bathroom and offering a professional assessment of the situation. Sometimes other plumbing fixtures are responsible for leaks, clogs or overflows in your bathroom

A plumber will assess every plumbing fixture associated with your bathtub. The assessment involves checking the faucets, the ceilings, and the walls inside the bathroom to ensure that the source of the concern is known, devoid of speculation.

Working with a professional plumber allows for a comprehensive water-leak test inside the bathroom. Seasoned plumbers can easily detect leaks and clogs that originate from within the bathroom. 

A plumber can also advise you on the advantages of choosing a bathtub over a shower when it comes to the issue of drainage. 

However, your problem may not always emanate from within the bathroom. Working with a plumber allows for a comprehensive review of other plumbing fixtures and fittings within your home that may have a contributory role to the problems inside your bathroom.

Common Bathtub Problems and Bathtub Repair Solutions 

There are specific common issues with bathtubs that most homeowners have to grapple with at some point. Some of the problems may require professional interventions, while some are a matter of DIY.

1. Leaking Faucets

The problem with a leaking faucet is that it gets worse with time. What started with a tiny drop of water may gradually escalate into a pool, especially during instances where you spend considerable time away from home. 

If your bathtub faucet shows signs of leaks, it may be time to call in an experienced plumber to help with the bathroom repairs needed.

Nipping faucet leaks in the bud is critical towards reducing the risks that emerge in the future. A leaking faucet may be the cause of mold or, even worse, cause injurious falls while in the bathroom.

2. Worn Out Shower Drains

Most of the bathtub overflows are a result of a weakness in the shower drain system. If you’ve been experiencing recurrent concerns related to the shower drains, it may be time for an overhaul. 

With the help of experts in plumbing, you are able to replace the shower drains right from the top.

It would be advisable to consider leak-proof drain during the overhaul. This would be important in dealing with any future issues related to the shower drains.

3. Clogged Bathtubs

Clogged bathtubs constitute a significant concern for any homeowner. You might end up incurring substantial damages in the event of a bathtub overflow. 

Are you experiencing clogs in the bathtub?

Such a situation requires urgent professional interventions. You may consider some of the informal techniques to deal with the clogs, including using chemicals. However, for such delicate bathroom repair, you should call in a professional plumber.

Most people consider the use of chemicals and other home remedy solutions as useful, but none of these options guarantee you the level of professionalism that our company offers when it comes to bathtub repair. 

4. Worn Out Brass Drain Assembly

Brass drains in your home will fade over time. Once this happens, the surest way to cushion yourself from potential drainage issues would be to replace the worn brass drain assembly. 

Most people attempt to repair the brass drain with the hope of incurring less on the repair process. However, to deal with issues related to brass drain assembly once and for all, you need to call in a professional plumber. Such expert interventions may be useful in avoiding future risks to property.

Your Bathtub Can Be the Source of Great Comfort

Water causes some of the worst cases of property damages. Similarly, slips and falls in the bathroom contribute to some of the worst cases of injuries. Both of these outcomes may be a result of bathtub issues that deteriorate over time due to the lack of intervention measures. 

Before you end up being part of the statistics, it’s essential to know how to detect and address such bathtub issues. With the help of our able technicians, your bathtub repair doesn’t have to be complicated. Explore our plumbing repair guide to learn more about common plumbing repairs.

Are you in need of pro plumbing services? Contact us for safe and long-lasting plumbing repairs. 

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