
Tips To Avoid Hairball Clogs In Your Shower And Faucet Drains!

Hairballs are always very annoying within your residential plumbing system, and the following tips can help you avoid them altogether.

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We all know just how tough hairball clogs can be when it comes to showers and faucets, and these issues regularly happen in households where women with long hair live.

It’s perfectly normal for people to lose hair follicles on a daily basis, and this type of hair loss typically occurs while showering. This isn’t anything for people to worry about from a hair loss standpoint, but it is troubling for residential plumbing systems. Hairballs can end up causing your drains to run slowly, they can initiate foul odors, and they can even be the source of leaks and household flooding.

So it naturally is important for people to avoid hairball clogs as much as possible, and below we’ll be detailing some tips to help you avoid these types of drain clogs at your house!

Four Ways To Guarantee That Hairballs Don’t Damage Your Home’s Drains

Although there are many strategies to avoid hairball clogs, the following are some of the most common plumbing strategies:

Regularly Investing In Drain Cleaning

Although it’s sometimes difficult to recognize a clogged drain, being proactive with your home’s plumbing system can go a very long way in terms of prevention. It’s natural for soap, hair and other shower residues to build up over time, and this type of buildup can potentially lead to serious blockages.

This is why it’s so important to thoroughly clean out your drains every few months, or invest in drain cleaning services from experienced professionals that can conduct thorough assessments.

Properly Covering Up Your Drain Holes

Drain screens are always a smart investment, depending upon the types of drains your home has. They’re very effective when it comes to keeping out soap scum and hair from your drains, and they also just so happen to be extremely cheap.

But one thing to keep in mind when it comes to your drain screens is that you’re always going to need to empty out screen contents in your trash on a regular basis.

Thoroughly Cleaning Popup Stoppers

A lot of showers and sinks have popup stoppers that don’t allow for drain screens, and these fixtures are great until they build up a ton of hair and other debris. This is why it’s so crucial to regularly clean out these types of stoppers.

Popup stoppers might be aesthetically pleasing, but they often lead to serious clogs when they’re not taken care of properly. This is why you’ll need to pull your stopper out of your drain and clean it off on a consistent basis, and always properly dispose of the gunk in your trash.

Don’t Allow Anything But Water Down Your Drains

The only thing that really should be going down your shower, bath or basin drains is soap residues, toothpaste and water. It’s of course inevitable for skin and oil cells to enter your drains, along with hair follicles, but everything else that’s more avoidable should be an easy thing to keep out of your drains.

This includes common household products like creams, lotions, coffee grounds, liquids and food items. A lot of people will resort to chemical drain cleaners when they experience these types of clogs, but it’s important to remember how these products often corrode pipes and end up making matters much worse in the long run.

So if your drains are seriously clogged with hair, you’ll likely require a drain auger, a plunger or a wet/dry vacuum cleaner to get the job done correctly.

Reach Out To Us Today To Learn More About Eliminating Your Pesky Hairball Clogs!

Hairball clogs are always really annoying, and they often require professional help when they’ve been neglected for too long.

The Beehive Plumbing team is here to help when you’re experiencing issues with your home’s drains, and you can reach out to us online or call us at 801-661-8155 today to let us know what’s happening at your house!

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