It may seem like an endless winter here in northern Utah, but it’s still time to get your residential plumbing system ready for spring and summer!

The recent snowstorms may make it feel like winter will never end here in northern Utah, but we all know that spring is just around the corner. This means that our record-breaking snowpack will eventually melt, and we’ll begin transitioning towards more outdoor activities as temperatures increase.
This also means that it’s time to begin preparing your residential plumbing system for spring and summer, and the Beehive Plumbing team is here to help you stay ahead of the curve with our seasonal upkeep tips.
So here are our tips to get your plumbing system ready for the changing of the seasons!
Check Your Appliances For Leaks
Household leaks are usually pretty tough to find, particularly when they’re originating in places like your attics, crawl spaces, under sinks, or within your water heater. This is also a very important time of year to check your water heater for sediment buildup, because this type of accumulation can frequently lead to water heater repairs here in northern Utah.
But all of your plumbing appliances need to be checked for leaks in the early spring, including your frequently used appliances like your washing machine and dishwasher.
AC Unit Checkups
A lot of people don’t realize this, but we also provide comprehensive HVAC services all throughout northern Utah for both residential and commercial properties.
April and May just so happen to be the best months of the year to get your AC unit checked out by our team, because this will help you be better prepared for the inevitable heat waves we’ll get in June and July.
So don’t wait until your HVAC system is experiencing trouble this summer, and get ahead of the curve with a maintenance checkup from one of our specialists!
Closely Examine Your Sprinkler System
It’s also a good time of year to check out your property’s sprinkler system for leaks and any other abnormalities. Keeping your sprinklers in a good condition this time of year will always go a long way when these systems are needed later in the summer, and our specialists can also help you with timer installations as well.
Keep An Eye On Your Outdoor Faucets
Checking your outdoor faucets is also a good idea for April, because you’ll want to simply make sure that water isn’t coming out of places where it’s not supposed to.
Simply turning your outdoor faucets on and examining the water flow can be helpful, because you could potentially spot a leak and have the faucet replaced if necessary. And when you’re experiencing these types of leaks, it’ll also be important to have your pipes examined via pipe inspection cameras to verify whether or not the pipe itself has incurred any damages.
Get Your Main Water Line Looked At
Your property’s main water line also needs to be checked out this time of year, and this will require professional help due to this line being difficult to access.
There are many different water main replacement warning signs that property owners need to be aware of, and our specialists will help you guarantee proper water flow this summer!
Re-Evaluate Your Drainage System
All of our gutters and drainage systems have been well-used this winter, and it’s inevitable that water flows will shift this spring as the ground settles after a very long snowmelt.
This means that home and business owners throughout the region need to re-evaluate their drainage systems, and simply make sure that everything is draining properly.
Do A DIY Sump Pump Test
This is a relatively easy springtime plumbing task to complete, but it just so happens to be very important. Try pouring at least a few buckets of water into your sump pit, and then see if the pump turns on.
If your sump pump doesn’t turn on with this type of test, it means you’re going to need to reach out to our Master Plumbers right away. The risk of flooding is very high this year due to our record snowfall, so this is the time to make sure your sump pump is functioning properly.
Contact The Beehive Team To Get Your Residential Plumbing System Ready For Spring & Summer
Beehive Plumbing is here to help your northern Utah home be better prepared for the upcoming seasonal change this April and May. We’re expecting a lot of soil shifting this year, and we’re here to help you be better prepared for potential plumbing issues that may arise.
Contact us online or give us a call at 801-661-8155 to speak with our team today about setting up a seasonal maintenance appointment!