Bathroom odors can be pretty pesky, so here are some tips to get rid of them for good!

No one wants bathroom odors in their home or business, and these types of smells can often be embarrassing and unwelcoming for guests and customers.
Although most bathroom smells aren’t dangerous, they still should be addressed as soon as possible for hygienic purposes. Below we’ll be detailing some helpful tips when it comes to getting rid of lingering bathroom odors!
Common Types of Lingering Bathroom Odors
There are three types of lingering bathroom odors you should know about, including the following:
Sewer Smells
If you’re noticing that your bathroom smells like a sewer, then this could be directly connected to malfunctioning vent pipes. It could be that your vent pipes were improperly installed, have become clogged, or are now broken.
Sewage backups will often lead to these types of unwanted smells, and our Master Plumbers will be there for you when you need a sewer line repair!
Rotten Egg Odors
Two common causes create this type of bathroom odor. The first one involves your home’s water supply, and this is common issue in Northern Utah. Many homes here will utilize a well system, and this type of odor in these systems could indicate a water contamination.
The second common cause for rotten egg odors in a bathroom is sewer gas presence within your septic tank or toilets. This scenario is often derived from a pipe blockage.
Musty Smells
Mildew and mold are typically the cause for musty smells in bathrooms, which is why it’s so important to frequently inspect your walls, ceilings and showers for fungal development.
When a bathroom isn’t properly ventilated, it can pretty quickly lead to mold growth!
How To Get Rid Of Your Bathroom Smells For Good
If your bathroom is being plagued by stubborn odors, keep the following tips in mind to get rid of the smells and freshen up your space:
Be Sure To Maintain Proper Airflow In Your Bathroom
Every bathroom requires a ton of ventilation, largely because fresh air can do wonders for odors. One of the best ways to maintain ventilation in your bathroom is to ensure your vent fan is functional and of high quality.
If your bathroom has windows, keep them open when you can so you’re increasing the airflow and decreasing the likelihood of lingering odors.
Lighting Candles
The smoke, heat and scents of candles can also do a great job at neutralizing bathroom smells.
This is a good tip if you’re expecting guests at your home, because a nice-smelling candle can go a long way to create a welcoming bathroom environment. Just be careful where you place your bathroom candles for safety purposes, and don’t leave your candles unattended!
Regularly Cleaning Your Bathroom
Many bathroom odors are indications that a bathroom simply needs a deep cleaning. Routine cleaning schedules can go a long way in terms of keeping odors at bay, and it’s usually best to keep these routines cleans on a weekly or bi-weekly basis.
Although toilet bowls might seem like that nastiest part of the bathroom, it’s also important to remember how gross bathroom floor mats can get. These mats often accumulate fluids and contaminants that escape from your toilet, so be sure to thoroughly clean your bathroom mats and floors just as much as you clean your toilet!
Make The Most of Air Fresheners
When bathroom odors are really bad, it’s usually a good idea to install an air freshener to keep smells to a minimum. Although air fresheners may not eliminate bathroom odors, they can do a great job at helping.
Pay Attention To The Dryness of Your Towels
Many bathroom odors are caused by dirty or damp towels, and this is because wet towels can harbor fungi and bacterial growth. A lot of people think this type of mold development happens very slowly, but the truth is that it can occur extremely fast in certain scenarios!
Try Using Natural Cleaning Products
We all know how bathrooms can quickly get consumed by chemical residues that are left behind by common cleaning products, and many of these products only mask bad odors and don’t actually eliminate them.
That’s why homeowners should consider using natural cleaning products like baking soda and vinegar, lemon juice and many other ingredients often found in household pantries.
You’ll be surprised by just how far natural cleaning products can go when it comes to getting rid of bathroom odors for good!
Beehive Plumbing Is Here For Your Home When You’re Experiencing Lingering Bathroom Odors!
Bathroom repairs are often very complex, but the Beehive Plumbing team will be there for you when we see serious issues connected to your bathroom odors.
Our experienced specialists know how to eliminate every type of lingering bathroom odor, and we’ll be there for you when you require more extensive plumbing repairs to eliminate bad smells.
Reach out to us online or call us at 801-661-8155 to speak with our specialists about the smells you’re experiencing in your bathroom!