
5 Tips To Help You Save Money On Your Next Remodel Plumbing Project!

The costs of remodel plumbing can quickly add up, so here are some cost-saving tips for your next project!

remodel plumbing from Beehive Plumbing with high-quality bathoom fixtures

The odds are that you consider the vast majority of remodel plumbing projects to be pretty costly investments, and this is because tons of remodeling projects do in fact get financially out-of-hand and end up being way over budget. There’s no doubt about it that sticking to your project’s budget will likely be your toughest task, and all of us at Beehive Plumbing want to help you overcome this challenge.

That’s why we’ve developed this article detailing five useful, cost-saving tips for your next remodeling job. When you stick to the below tips and suggestions, you’ll be able to transform your home for the better—without your bank account taking a turn for the worse!

1. Be Sure To Thoroughly Plan Your Project Ahead Of Time

This is good advice for whenever you’re planning any type of home improvement investment, and it’s particularly important for remodeling projects in which there can be many unforeseen challenges.

The first thing you must always do is set a budget, and this initial budget should be as comprehensive as you can possibly make it. Planning all your costs out ahead of time can help you avoid unexpected expenses, which is a huge relief as compared to experiencing shocking bills at the end of your remodel!

2. Search For Cost-Saving Plumbing Fixtures

Although you’ll likely not be saving all that much up front when you’re shopping for cost-saving plumbing fixtures, you’ll ultimately save a lot in the long run. This means you should look for eco-friendly products that help you reduce your water usage, because these products will help you save on your monthly water bills.

The EPA’s WaterSense products are good options to keep in mind, and our Master Plumbers will help you narrow down your best options that fall within your project’s budget!

3. Avoid Moving Around Your Existing Plumbing System

It’s incredibly expensive to move around existing pipes, and it’s also very time-consuming as well. It you can avoid moving your pipes around for your next remodeling project, you generally should do so. It’s important to remember that you can still do a complete overhaul of a kitchen or bathroom without needing to remove or displace any pipes, and it often only requires a little extra support from your hired professionals.

For instance, we could help you install your plumbing upgrades without moving your room’s framework around. This can lead to substantial improvements in your showers, tubs, sinks, and toilets—without substantially increasing your project’s budget due to pipe shifting.

4. Try DIY Methods When Appropriate

Although it’s generally not a good idea to conduct your own remodel plumbing, there may be certain aspects of your project that you could tackle on your own to cut down costs. You might not be doing any substantial installations or re-piping on your own, but you could still tackle some simple projects with confidence!

This can include things like laying down new tile, replacing a showerhead, hanging wainscoting, and much more. Anything you end up doing on your own will help you save on your project’s bottom line.

5. Consider Doing Smaller, Aesthetic Improvements

There are all sorts of low-cost, simple plumbing improvements that you could consider for your bathrooms and kitchens. Sometimes these improvements don’t have to require extensive construction, because they could also be aesthetic changes that radically transform how a room looks and feels.

Reach Out To Our Master Plumbers To Learn More About Our Remodel Plumbing Services!

Beehive Plumbing is one of the leading plumbing companies in northern Utah, and we’ve helped hundreds of properties with extensive remodeling projects over the past 20+ years.

Our Master Plumbers have decades of experience remodeling both residential and commercial properties, and you can learn more about our remodel plumbing services by contacting us online or giving us a call at 801-849-3839 to speak with our specialists today about what you’re planning for your next remodeling project!

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