
7 Questions: What to Ask a Plumber Before a Kitchen Remodel

You’ve saved and planned and dreamed, and finally, the day is here. You’re ready to tackle your kitchen remodel. You’ve got a whole Pinterest board full of ideas, but where do you start on making that dream a reality?

One of the things you need to do during a kitchen renovation is to know which questions to ask a plumber. The right plumber can save you a lot of time and money and help you get a kitchen that runs smoothly as well as looking beautiful. Read on to discover some of the questions you should ask your plumber before you get started.

1. Can I Move Appliances?

During a kitchen remodel, you may want to shift where certain appliances are. If you move the refrigerator over to that wall, you could build cabinets there and add a breakfast nook where the refrigerator was. But moving the fridge means moving water lines, which is something you’ll need to talk to your plumber about.

Come up with a specific plan of where you’d like to move the appliance to, and make a note of any existing water lines that may be close by. For instance, if you have a washing machine you’re moving out of the kitchen, you could probably change the fittings on those water lines to move the fridge to that spot. Otherwise, moving water-dependent appliances more than a few inches will mean running new water lines.

2. Do My Pipes Need to Be Replaced?

If you’re putting in new water lines, tearing up the floors, or doing any extensive remodeling work on your kitchen, it provides a good opportunity to replace the pipes if they need it. Older pipes can break down with time, and in extremely old houses, they may still be made out of harmful materials. Replacing these pipes will add more time and expense, but it’s a worthwhile investment in the long run.

Ask your plumber if your lines need to be replaced, and get an estimate on that service. Don’t forget to ask about gas lines that run to the stove in that estimate. Those lines wear out, too, and they may need conversion to work with more modern appliances.

3. When Should I Choose a Sink?

The question of when to choose your new sink may not seem like the sort of decision that needs to be made early on. After all, it’s easy enough to drop a standard size sink into the proper hole in the counter at the end of the remodel process, right? In fact, choosing a sink should be one of the first things you do during a kitchen remodel.

Depending on the sink you choose, you may need to have specialty plumbing work done. Your plumber will need to coordinate with the cabinet builders to get this work done, so ask when that needs to get installed.

4. Do I Have Plumbing Vents?

It may seem strange to think that your plumbing system needs vents, but they are crucial to a well-functioning system. Plumbing vents release built-up sewer gases outside the house to prevent unpleasant odors from drifting up out of the pipes. They also allow bubbles that get trapped in the drains to make their way out of the system, preventing an airlock in your pipes.

Ask your plumber if your system has vents and, if not if it needs them. You want to make sure this gets taken care of while your kitchen is taken apart rather than when the new kitchen is reassembled. There’s nothing worse than having to tear up a remodel to add a needed plumbing vent.

5. When Does Flooring Need to Go In?

It may seem strange to think that your flooring would be one of the first things to go in during a kitchen remodel. After all, your builders are going to be dragging heavy appliances across the floors and doing all sorts of work that could cause damage. And why would your plumber be involved in your flooring choices?

But when you install your floors will have a huge impact on your kitchen remodel and your plumbing work. Any plumbing work that needs to happen below the floor will need to go in first. And the flooring should go in early in the process, so ask your plumber when it will be okay to get the new floors installed.

6. Can I Keep the Same Appliances?

Oftentimes, kitchen remodels include replacing all the appliances, but they don’t have to. If you’re trying to save some money and your appliances seem to be in good shape, it may make sense to keep them. But it’s a good idea to ask a plumber whether you need to get new ones or not.

If an appliance is going to need replacing in the next few years, it may be a better idea to replace it during your renovation than to wait. Newer appliances may need some reworking of the fixtures. It’s going to be cheaper to roll that into your overall renovation costs than to pay for that work separately later.

7. What Permits Do I Need?

Although it may seem strange to think that you have to get permission to do certain renovations, your city may require permits to do some kinds of plumbing work. Adding or moving plumbing requires documentation, and you don’t want to delay your project by finding out you have to apply for a permit midway through.

Your plumber should know which sorts of work your city requires permits for and how to apply for them. Be sure to tell them about everything you’re wanting to do so they can advise you on which permits you need to get.

Know What to Ask a Plumber

Planning a kitchen renovation is equal parts exciting and stressful. But if you have a good team helping you, all you have to worry about is knowing which questions to ask. Keep in mind the questions to ask a plumber before your renovation and you’ll wind up with a kitchen that works as beautifully as it looks.

If you’d like to get expert help on your renovation project, reach out to us at Beehive Plumbing. We offer everything from sink, tub, and shower repair to emergency plumbing services. Book an appointment with us today to start planning your dream kitchen.

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