
Common Issues With DIY Pipe Inspection Cameras

There are many great uses for pipe inspection cameras, but they typically shouldn’t be considered a DIY plumbing tool

A pipe inspection camera is a very useful tool that Beehive Plumbing uses throughout Northern Utah for sewer line repairs

There’s absolutely no doubt about it that pipe inspection cameras are one of our most valuable diagnostic tools, and many DIY plumbers will purchase them at regular hardware stores as well.

These cameras are incredibly useful when it comes to diagnosing and fixing issues that are deep within a property’s plumbing system, but just like any other piece of plumbing technology, they’re not foolproof. Many of the pipe inspection cameras found at typical hardware stores are actually poor-quality and full of issues, which is why it’s typically best to leave these inspections in professional hands and equipment.

Below we’ll be detailing some of the common issues found in amateur pipe inspection cameras:

Poor Image Transmission

A very common issue associated with over-the-counter pipe inspection cameras is poor image transmission, and this includes low resolution, poor lens quality, and improper camera lighting. Many cheaper cameras end up producing distorted or blurry images, and fixing these issues tends to be a hassle.

This why our team only uses pipe inspection cameras with very high image resolution and overall quality, because we need to see all the intricate details to properly diagnose what you’re plumbing system is experiencing!

Short Battery Life

Every pipe inspection camera runs on batteries, and low battery life will always lead to a lack of diagnostic efficiency.

There are many factors that can impact a camera’s battery life, which is why it’s always best to use cameras with large battery capacities. And you can always count on our plumbers to bring spare batteries with them just in case something goes wrong!

Connectivity Issues

Many budget-friendly pipe inspection cameras rely upon wireless connections to actually relay images either to cell phones or other portable devices, so as is easy to imagine, they can often experience connection issues when they’re deep within your plumbing system.

When a camera experiences these types of connectivity problems, it can lead to bad image transmission. This essentially defeats the purpose of using these cameras, so it’s important to team up with professionals who only use cameras that are reliable in terms of connectivity and transmission quality.

Over-The-Counter Cameras Often Experience Water Damages

A pipe inspection camera of course won’t work if it gets damaged, and some cheaper cameras aren’t fully waterproof. This can lead to water seeping into the camera’s internal components, which then typically leads to rather quick malfunctioning.

This is why professional plumbers only work with fully waterproof pipe inspection cameras, so this type of unwanted issue never occurs!

The Camera’s Cable Gets Damaged

One of the most important parts of any pipe inspection camera is its cable, because this is what allows the camera to slowly but surely reach itself into tight spaces. So when a camera’s cable gets damaged, it essentially makes the camera useless.

There are many different ways that these cameras can get damaged, including careless handling, improper storage and exposure to pointy objects. Many over-the-counter inspection cameras just so happen to come with low-quality cables, which is why professional plumbing teams always go above and beyond to invest in cameras that offer extremely durable cable systems.

Your Personal Devices Aren’t Compatible With The Pipe Inspection Camera

A lot of DIY pipe inspection cameras are set up to connect to your smartphone, but the problem with this is that many smartphones aren’t compatible with this type of plumbing technology. So if you can’t connect your camera to your phone, then you’ll never receive the relayed images.

The same issue applies to laptops, because many older laptops aren’t compatible with this type of plumbing technology.

Insufficient Lighting

Another common issue associated with low-quality pipe inspection cameras is insufficient lighting systems. These cameras require good lighting because they’re going deep into your pipes, so when the camera’s lighting isn’t quite enough, it essentially defeats the purpose of sending it into your plumbing system.

Limited Field of View

Field of view refers to how much a camera can capture with any singular image. So when a pipe inspection camera has a limited field of view, it makes it more difficult to get a proper diagnosis of what’s going on.

Contact The Beehive Plumbing Team When You Need Our Pipe Inspection Camera Services At Your Property!

Beehive Plumbing only utilizes the most state-of-the-art plumbing equipment and technology, and this includes the most cutting-edge pipe inspection cameras.

You can always count on our Master Plumbers to properly diagnose and resolve your plumbing problems, and feel free to reach us online or call us at 801-661-8155 to speak with us today about how our diagnostic services can assists your property’s plumbing system!

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